Actions to Take Now
Here are a few helpful and comprehensive lists
Authoritarian State or Inclusive Democracy - 21 Things We Can Do Right Now
Justice in June Resource - Syllabus for Daily Learning
Learn and UNDERSTAND the Issues
A full understanding of the issues is required in order to take proper action. Return to our Resources page for a growing list of articles, podcasts, films, books, and more to ensure you’re aware to the full extent of the long-term systemic issues as well as immediate offenses.
Listen. Listen some more. Then listen a little more after that.
Honor the History, Tragedies, Afflictions, and Hate endured by Black Communities through centuries of injustice and inequality.
This may be new to you but it certainly is not for the impacted communities.
Be Actively Anti-Racist
Be proactive and vocal to friends, family, and colleagues. Passive silence is no longer an option.
Anti-Racism Resources for White People - TheShowMustBePaused / BlackOutTuesday
Anti-Racism Resources - Rachel Ricketts - Donate to Support
Anti-Racism Resources - Wake Up Call // Medium
Engage your Representatives
Hold them accountable for the issues that disproportionately affect Black communities.
Know who they are - Senators, Governors, Prosecutors, Congresspeople, Attorney Generals
When are they up for reelection? for more info about your House and Senate reps
Call them to discuss the issues that need change like use-of-force and policing
Know where they stand on the equality and justice issues so when it comes to vote again, you can act accordingly
5 Calls - Set your location, pick your cause, and your rep’s contact info will be provided along with scripts and buttons to keep track of persistent efforts.
Register to Vote
Get Vote Ready at Headcount or When We All Vote
Check Your Registration Status - Have you moved since you last voted? Any other changes that could affect your status?
Register to Vote
Get Friends to Pledge their Vote
Remain on top of the issues locally and nationally then exercise your right to vote.
44 More Ways to Civically Engage this Year // Equity Alliance
Sign Petitions - Active petitions:
and many more.
Color of Change - Active Campaigns - Active Campaigns
Join Organizations
We’ll be Updating This List Regularly
Memberships - Many require on-going donations while some are free like Color of Change.
Attend Events
Attend Meetings, Town Halls, Webinars
At the very least, subscribe to newsletters so you’re awareness of updates and needs and they come up.
Donate to Organizations
See List Above or 137 Ways to Donate in Support of Black Lives and Communities of Color
Your financial support allows incredible organizations to do this necessary work. Contribute what you can or consider an on-going pledge via memberships or subscriptions.
Donate to Bail Funds
With limited funds and massive need, your donated time and attention for the current issues can provide much needed service and resources.
Immediate action is necessary for demanding justice for recent events, don’t forget the bigger issue of systemic oppression that has underserved Black communities for so long. Consider also supporting organizations that engage underserved youth in areas of education, literacy, arts, and sustainable living, and wellness awareness.
What are you great at and where would those skills come in handy for these causes? Marketing, Graphic Design, Childcare, Cooking, Sewing. Many trades and skillsets can be put to use to organizations and causes that need your support.
Your presence is important but so is restraint at times. Allow the organizers and leaders of the event to carry out the programming as intended so messaging and impact is maintained and awareness is brought to the key issues and talking points.
Learn about protests in your area through your local Black Lives Matter or Showing Up for Justice Chapter.
Guidance on how to be a white ally at protests from black activisms
Support Black-Owned Businesses
75 Black-Owned Businesses // Forbes
How to Find Black Owned Businesses (Via These Apps) // Fast Company
Follow on Social Media
Fill your feed with pages and posts from powerful organizations and voices. Social Media will allow for continued awareness and updates on where you can continue to provide support and action.
** We will continue to update as actions present themselves so continue to check back for more ways to mobilize.**